Meme Generator

Image not found


Source Image

From URL
From Local Storage

Meme Text

Top Text
Bottom Text

Text Size

Top Text: 8
Bottom Text: 8

Preview Size

If the button doesn't work, right-click the image and save it.
If you are on mobile or using Safari, download the source image and directly upload it to be able to export it.

Create a meme with your custom images

Our meme maker enables you to create memes – funny pictures with humorous text. You’re bound to have seen them on the internet, but now you can create them yourself! A meme is usually composed of a photo or picture with text written in a bold Impact font. In fact, memes can go beyond images to include phrases, videos, and other content, but pictures are the most common implementation.

Memes arise from many different internet communities, from image boards to LiveJournal. Anything can lead to the appearance of a meme: a phrase, news in the media, a cultural object, a symbol, a character in a book or film, etc. Once it has come to life, the meme gradually spreads beyond its initial community if it is understandable by people outside the community, or it remains an in-joke within the community. So you could say that the internet meme is a new form of online folklore that anyone can contribute to. Our online meme creator is free and easy to use, so you can start going viral in no time.

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How to make a meme online

All you need to make your own meme is an appropriate background picture or photo and witty text to overlay on it. You can either find the picture online or upload it from your PC. Think of where you want to post your meme and who you want to view it. Most memes gain their popularity from social media and image boards, so if you’re thinking of creating a truly viral meme, it’s best to post it wherever you can to increase its chance of being seen by the masses. But if you just want to make an inside joke meme, simply jump to creating it right away with our service. If you need more tips on how to create a meme using our website, read the short guide below.

Design an eye-catching meme

Choose a picture

First of all, you need to choose the picture you want to use for your meme. You can search online or use one of our template pics and just copy/paste the URL into the form. If you want to use an image from your computer, just click Choose a file and upload your pic.

Add text

The second step is to add some witty text to your picture. With our service, you can add text to the top and bottom of the picture. Simply type the phrases into the appropriate fields. You can personalize the font size on each line by dragging the sliders below them.

Save your meme

When you’re happy with the results, just click the Export Meme button and save it to your device. If you have problems exporting your meme this way, just save the preview picture – you’ll get the same file.

If you are into creating unique video memes or simply learn to make cool videos and share them on the internet, try our multitasking program – Movavi Video Suite. This software combines multiple programs for working with video in one handy package: video editor, converter, screen recorder, and more!

Frequently asked questions

How can I create my own meme?

Just use our simple online meme generator to quickly create a meme using any picture. Upload the picture, add some witty words, and you’re done! Otherwise, you can create a meme manually, using desktop software like Movavi Photo Editor.

How do you make a meme go viral?

The best way is to share it on your social media feed, so it can be seen by as many people as possible. You can also share it on image boards - many popular memes take off from these websites.

What font to use for memes?

The most popular meme fonts are Impact, Arial, and Comic Sans. However, you can use any font with any properties and size - making a meme is a creative process that has no boundaries.