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Movavi Trademark Guidelines
Thank you for your interest in Movavi products and services!
We want to make it easy for you to use our trademarked material. We created these guidelines to manage and protect the value of our brand.
You may use Movavi trademarks and the names of Movavi software provided you meet these Movavi trademark guidelines.
1.1. Include any Movavi trademark in your company name, product, app, service name, or domain name.
1.2. Include any Movavi logo or product icon design in your company logo, product logo, app launch tile image, or software product.
1.3. Use a company name, product, app, service name, or domain name that is confusingly similar to any Movavi trademark.
1.4. Alter or distort any Movavi trademark or combine it with any other images or words.
1.5. Include any Movavi trademark in a community or social media account name except to describe the purpose of the community by referring to Movavi. Movavi logos may not be used in social media account or community names.
1.6. Use any Movavi trademarks on or in connection with products or services or on websites that are unlawful, that promote hate towards individuals or groups, or that may be considered sexually explicit or offensive, obscene, defamatory, or religiously or racially offensive.
1.7. Use any Movavi trademark in any manner that shows Movavi or any of its products in a false or derogatory light.
1.8. Use any Movavi trademarks in any manner that implies affiliation with, sponsorship, endorsement, certification, or approval by Movavi of your products or services.
1.9. Use any Movavi trademarks in advertisements and advertising of any kind, on any website containing advertising or any search engine, or on links and redirects to the Movavi official website.
1.10. Use any Movavi trademark on promotional merchandise that you are selling or distributing.
All other requests require written permission.
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