JP2 Converter

  1. Add your file.

  2. Choose the output format.

  3. Click Convert.

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Convert JP2 files online for free

Looking for a JP2 converter? You’ve come to the right place! You can use this JP2 file converter online for free. There’s no need to download any freeware to your computer – convert .jp2 files right in your browser. Just upload your files to the JP2 online converter, pick the desired format, and start the conversion.

What is JP2?

Full name

JPEG 2000

Format type


Developed by

Joint Photographic Experts Group


JP2 is an image coding system that uses wavelet-based compression. The format allows for a high level of scalability, which means that data can be decoded at various resolutions. The compression with JP2 can be lossy or lossless.

File extension

.jp2, .jpx., .jpc, .j2k

Technical details

In the compression process, an image is divided into tiles, each tile is then wavelet-transformed. After the transform, quantization and coding takes place.

Associated programs

Apple Preview, IrfanView, Adobe® Photoshop®, GIMP, PaintShop Pro

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