Convert PBM files online for free
Our online PBM converter can change the format of a single image, song, or video without the need to download a desktop PBM file converter. Upload the file, set the output format and convert PBM in the blink of an eye.
What is PBM?
Full name
Portable Bitmap
Format type
Developed by
Jef Poskanzer
A PBM file is a monochrome bitmap image. The format was designed in the 1980-s to send images via email without the files being damaged. PBM files can be easily exchanged between different platforms.
File extension
Technical details
PBM can use plain encoding (ASCII) or binary (also called “raw”). The format uses ones and zeros to indicate black and white colors. In binary encoding, PBM supports 1 bit per pixel.
Associated programs
XnView, Inkscape, Netpbm, PaintShop Pro, ACDSee Photo Studio, Adobe® Photoshop®
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