Need an MP3 to WMA Converter?

Use this tool to convert MP3 to WMA online for free!

This online tool lets you convert MP3 to WMA for free in a matter of seconds. Alternatively, you can try out the desktop video and audio converter from Movavi to change MP3 to WMA in bulk.

Convert to

How to convert MP3 to WMA on Windows and Mac with Movavi

Edited by Ben Jacklin

Wondering how to convert MP3 to WMA? Movavi has the answer for you – use our online tool or free-to-download desktop converter. Unlike many other video and audio converters, the Movavi software doesn’t require any special knowledge or skills and supports 180 + video and audio formats, MP3 and WMA included. In addition, the desktop version lets you convert files in batches, saving you the trouble of processing each file individually. It allows for an easy-to-use conversion with a user-friendly interface in a few clicks on a PC or Mac with no quality loss. To change .mp3 to .wma, follow the simple guide below.

Step 1. Download and install the MP3-to-WMA converter

Download the installation file and run it on your computer. Follow the instructions on the screen to install the app.

Step 2. Add your files

In the upper-left corner of the window, click the Add Media button, then select Add Audio. After that, locate and select the files you want to change to WMA. You can select multiple files to batch-convert MP3 to WMA, unlike the online tool, which can only handle one file at a time.

Step 3. Select the output format

Go to the Audio tab at the bottom of the screen, click the WMA preset group, and choose the preset that suits your needs. Now you are ready to change MP3 to WMA.

Step 4. Start the MP3-to-WMA conversion

Click the Save to button and set the folder in which you want to save your files. Click the Convert button and wait for the process to finish.

MP3 vs. WMA

MP3 vs. WMA: which format to choose? Both types of files have differences and similarities. Quality-wise, WMA sounds better, especially on lower bitrates. It is attributable to the codecs they both use: WMA utilizes Windows Media Audio Encoder developed by Microsoft, MP3 is encoded with LAME. Regarding file compression, MP3 enjoys the lower file size as a trade-off of worse sound quality on low bitrates.

Windows Media Audio (WMA) is a more suitable format for those who want to reach the top sound quality at the expense of a bigger file size. Apart from professionals and avid music enjoyers, the WMA format has a more niche use. The reason is, WMA is less commonly supported by portable devices and media players. So, to enjoy the higher quality of music, make sure to choose the right media player that supports the WMA format.

Comparison parameter



File extension



Full name

MPEG-1 Audio Layer III

Windows Media Audio

Developed by

Moving Picture Experts Group






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  • When selecting products to include in our reviews, we research both demand and popularity.

  • All the products covered in this article have been tested by our team.

  • When testing, we compare key characteristics, including supported input and output formats, quality loss when converting, and other significant features.

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  • We collect feedback from our users and analyze their opinions of Movavi software as well as products from other companies.

Frequently asked questions

How do I convert MP3 to WMA on Windows 10/8/7?

How do I convert MP3 to WMA on Mac OS X?

What is the difference between MP3 and WMA?

Can Windows Media Player convert MP3 to WMA?

What is the best MP3-to-WMA converter on Windows?

How do I convert MP3 to WMA on Android?

How do I convert MP3 to WMA on iPhone?

How do I convert MP3 to WMA Lossless?

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