Want to Convert GIF to MOV (QuickTime)?

Use this GIF to MOV converter online!

You can simply drag and drop files into the free online tool to convert your animated GIF to MOV in an instant. For bigger conversion projects, you can use a desktop media converter from Movavi.

Convert to

How to convert GIF to MOV (QuickTime) on Windows and Mac with Movavi

Edited by Ben Jacklin

GIF and MOV are two file formats that are commonly used across the internet. GIF is well-known for being able to store multiple images and present them in an animated image sequence, almost like a short video, but without any sound. MOV, meanwhile, is a video file format that can also include audio.

You may want to convert from GIF to MOV in order to be able to edit or share your files more easily, add music, or upload them to certain sites and platforms. And if you're wondering about how to convert GIF to MOV, Movavi Video Converter is the tool for you, allowing you to quickly and easily convert .gif to .mov in a matter of seconds.

Movavi Video Converter is a downloadable video converter app that can run on both Windows and Mac devices. You can download and try it out for free, and it supports both video and audio conversion in a range of formats, including GIF and MOV, so it's an ideal app to use when you need to transform some GIF files into MOV format for sharing, editing, or playing on different devices.

Step 1. Download and install Movavi's GIF-to-MOV converter

The first step of converting from GIF to MOV on Mac or PC with Movavi Video Converter is to download the program itself. Once the installation file has been downloaded, open it and run the installation process, following the on-screen instructions to set up the software.

2. Add your files

Once you've downloaded and installed the GIF-to-MOV converter, you'll be ready to open the program and add your files, ready for conversion. To do this, click on the Add Media button in the top left corner and choose Add Images. You can then browse through the folders and drives on your device to find the files you want to convert or simply drag and drop the necessary files onto the program window. Remember that Movavi Video Converter supports batch conversion, so you can add multiple files at the same time if you like.

3. Select the output format

After your GIF files have loaded into the app, you can choose the MOV format that you want to convert them to. To do this, click on the Video section near the bottom of the window and then find MOV in the list provided. Click on it and pick a preset.

4. Convert GIF to MOV

Last but not least, you need to click on the Save to button in the bottom right and choose a save destination for your new files. Then click on the Convert button to begin the conversion process and simply wait for it to finish.


Comparison parameter



File extension


.mov, .qt

File type

Bitmap image/animated image

Audio and video

Format name

Graphics Interchange Format

QuickTime file format


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  • When selecting products to include in our reviews, we research both demand and popularity.

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  • We collect feedback from our users and analyze their opinions of Movavi software as well as products from other companies.


Hopefully, this article helped you to learn the GIF vs. MOV differences. If you're looking for a simple way to convert from GIF to MOV, you know how easy it can be. With Movavi Video Converter, you can transform GIF files into MOV in no time at all, as well as convert between many other different formats and file types.

Frequently asked questions

How do I convert GIF to MOV on a Mac?

How do I convert GIF to MOV with Photoshop®?

How do I convert GIF to MOV for Instagram?

How do I convert GIF to MOV with a loop?

How do I convert GIF to MOV with transparency?

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