Looking for an MP3 to WAV Converter?

Use this tool to convert MP3 to WAV online!

Convert MP3 to WAV for free online in just a few clicks. Use this online WAV file converter to convert small files, and for larger videos, try the desktop version.

Convert to

How to convert MP3 to WAV with Movavi Video Converter


Movavi Video Converter can handle audio files. If you need to batch convert MP3 to WAV, this is also simple with Movavi, as the software can handle numerous files, queuing them for conversion and then storing them where you desire. The software can also be used as an audio converter to WAV using video, extracting sound from various video clips, which is an added bonus. Movavi can convert audio to WAV from a number of different sources. Check out the guide below to learn how to convert MP3 to WAV.

Step 1. Install Movavi's converter

To convert from MP3 to WAV, download the MP3 converter to WAV. The MP3-to-WAV converter with free download is available for either Mac or Windows operating systems depending on what you need.

Step 2. Add a file to convert

Launch the software, then go to Add Media and click Add audio in the converter interface. Choose the music files you want to change from MP3 to WAV.

Step 3. Choose the format and settings

You will find some of the audio file presets in the WAV section under the Audio tab. Select your preferences to convert the file to WAV without losing any data or detail.

Step 4. Convert MP3 to WAV

Click the Save to button to select the output folder for your converted files. In the final step, you just need to click Convert to start the conversion. Converting MP3 to WAV or WAV to MP3 usually is a speedy process, and the WAV file converter will store the files in the output folder you have set.

10 best free MP3 to WAV converters

There are many ways to convert to WAV online, free of charge, using an online MP3-to-WAV converter. We’ve listed some of the best options below. Many of them convert a number of different audio files to WAV, and some can rip the audio from video files, too.

OS: Windows, macOS

Unlike many other video and audio converters, the Movavi software doesn’t require any special knowledge or skills and supports 180 + video and audio formats, MP3 and WAV included. Additionally, the converter offers lots of advanced options like setting the quality, adjusting the audio volume and removing noise, trimming your track, and more. Another advantage that Movavi Video Converter has is that there's a large number of guides on how to use the converter tools right on the site.


  • Batch conversion capabilities

  • Presets for more than 200 devices

  • Easy enough for beginners

  • Compresses audio and video files while maintaining fidelity


  • Can’t add videos for conversion via URL

OS: Online

CloudConvert supports converting files such as MP3, M4A, WAV, and WMA. You can do so within your browser, and there are many added options that some of the MP3-to-WAVE converters do not offer, such as choosing the audio codec.

To use CloudConvert to change MP3 to WAVE files, simply upload the MP3 you want to edit using the Select Files button. Choose the appropriate file type to change .mp3 to .wav. You can then change settings such as bitrate, codec, or even volume. Click Convert, and the files will automatically go in your downloads folder unless your default settings say otherwise.


  • More controls over file size, codec, even volume.

  • Trusted data security.


  • It’s easy to damage the file if you don’t understand all of the options.

OS: Online

This is another option for converting MP3 to WAVE in your browser. The site doesn’t support as many audio files as some of the others on this list, and the design isn’t as modern, but it gets the job done.

To change MP3 to WAV, upload the audio you want to convert into WAV. Next, change the resolution, sampling rate, PCM, and more in the various settings (optional). Click on the Convert button, and the conversion begins.


  • Allows you to “normalize” the audio and change various settings.

  • Trim your audio to the desired length, if required.


  • Doesn’t support as many input files as most of the other MP3 to WAVE converter options.

OS: Online

Zamzar allows you to convert MP3 to WAV online. Though it doesn’t have as many options when it comes to editing the file as the other choices on the list, it is a free converter and very simple to use.

To convert audio to WAV in Zamzar, you can simply drag and drop files in their free online MP3-to-WAV converter. Set the file format you want (WAV) and agree to the Terms of Service before you click convert and wait for your file to download.


  • Easy interface.

  • Converts MP3 to many different audio and video files.


  • File sizes are limited.

  • No option to trim or change audio settings.

OS: Online

Convertio has a higher maximum file size than many of the other free options. It’s simple to use, and you can even convert from a URL.

Upload MP3 files from your PC, Google Drive, Dropbox, URL or by dragging it on the page. Choose WAV as your output file type, and change settings such as compression and codec. Click Convert, let the file convert, and you can download your file.


  • Recognizes hundreds of file types.

  • File options, including codec.


  • File sizes are limited.

  • Changing the settings can alter the quality.

OS: Online

FreeConvert is a free MP3-to-WAV converter. The website has a huge file size cap of 1GB. Though there are daily limits, it is good for those just looking to convert one individual file.

To convert .mp3 to .wave, click Choose Files and select your MP3 files. Next, select the Convert to WAV button to start the conversion. When the status is set as Done, a button will appear to allow you to Download WAV.


  • Convert larger files, free of charge

  • Advanced settings include compression and effects like fade-in


  • Daily limits imposed on your converting MP3 to WAV if you don’t pay for a premium package

  • Ads on the platform

OS: Windows, macOS

You may have an MP3 to WAVE converter already on your computer without knowing it. iTunes can do a lot more than just rip your songs from CDs or allow you to download your favorite music. It’s also able to convert different audio files on Mac or Windows.


  • You may already have iTunes on your computer.

  • Works reliably on Windows or Mac.


  • Not as much control over codecs and settings as some options.

8. VLC

OS: Windows, macOS, Linux

A lot of people use the freeware VLC to convert and watch video files, but it is effective for converting audio and video files, too. The software is free and open-source, so it doesn’t bombard you with ads. However, the conversion process has many nuances and is a little slow.


  • Freeware.

  • Gives you a lot of options over the settings.


  • Easy to choose incorrect settings or get confused by the interface.

OS: Windows, macOS, Linux

Audacity is popular free audio software that can allow you to make simple edits to audio. A lot of people use it for podcasting and audio editing. You can also download this app in order to convert MP3 to WAV for free, but it isn’t as simple as some online converters. Once you learn how to convert MP3 to WAV in Audacity, you can also experiment with more audio controls.


  • Freeware.

  • Powerful audio tools and effects such as fade in and out.


  • Can take time to understand the controls.

10. FFmpeg

OS: Windows, macOS, Linux

FFmpeg is an experimental software to help with cross-platform audio and video file conversion. It’s a way to convert your MP3 to WAV on Linux as well as Mac and Windows. FFmpeg MP3 to WAV conversion uses code and commands, so if you aren’t confident with this, then you might want to steer clear.


  • Quick process for those who understand the commands.

  • Gives an option for Linux users.


  • Code and commands are confusing for inexperienced people.

How to convert MP3 to WAV with iTunes

iTunes is a convenient built-in way to convert MP3 to WAV for macOS users. Follow the guide below to learn how to change MP3 to WAV with iTunes.

Step 1

Open iTunes. In the menu bar, choose Edit, then Preferences.

Step 2

Click the General tab, then click Import Settings.

Step 3

Click the menu next to Import Using, this is where you can change the destination file to a WAV.

Step 4

Select the songs in your library you want to convert.

Step 5

In the File menu, select Convert, then Create WAV Version. This will create a duplicate in your library with a WAV file type vs. MP3.

How to convert MP3 to WAV with VLC

Despite being primarily a video player, VLC can be used for changing formats. Use instructions below to learn how to convert MP3 to WAV with VLC.

Step 1

Install the software. Head to the Media menu, then to Convert / Save.

Step 2

Click on the Add button and browse for your music file. Choose it and click Open. Hit the Convert / Save button to continue.

Step 3

In the settings of the Convert dialog box, click Create a new profile. In the window that opens, select the WAV format, enter the profile name, and click the Create button. Select the created profile in the Profile list.

Step 4

Click Browse to enter the name and choose the output folder for the converted file. Finally, click Start and allow VLC to convert to WAV on Mac or Windows.

How to convert MP3 to WAV with Audacity

Audacity is an open source tool for audio editing and conversion with many useful functions for working with audio files. Learn how to use it for MP3 to WAV conversion by following the steps below.

Step 1

Download and install Audacity. Open the software, and click File, then Open.

Step 2

Select one or more audio files dialog box displays, allowing you to choose your MP3.

Step 3

Once the MP3 has been opened, click on File, select Export and then – Export as WAV. Here, you can edit metadata and the destination of the WAV.

How to use FFmpeg for MP3 to WAV conversion

FFmpeg is an open-source conversion tool that requires entering commands to operate. If you aren’t intimidated by such an unintuitive interface, follow the instructions below to change MP3 to WAV.

Step 1

Make sure that you have FFmpeg installed in your system.

Step 2

Open a terminal and go inside the folder that contains the MP3 you wish to convert.

Step 3

From here, you can enter the following command: ffmpeg -i filename.mp3 newfilename.wav

Step 4

The new file should convert and appear in the same folder as an MP3 file.

How to choose an MP3 to WAV file converter

Choosing which converter will be the best for you will depend on your personal preference. Here are some essential points that you can consider.

  • Usability: Make sure that the converter is simple and easy to use. Also, it needs to suit your experience level.

  • Supported formats: Opt for the one that can support all kinds of audio formats.

  • Features: Ensure that the converter you choose includes all the features you need.

  • Support: Make sure that the converter offers user support.

  • User reviews: Check the reviews online so that you can make the best choice.


Best for quick batch conversions and simple editing

Movavi Video Converter

Simple and convenient online converter


Free and open-source conversion tool


MP3 vs. WAV: comparison table

Comparison parameter




Fraunhofer Society

IBM & ‎Microsoft



.wav, .wave




File size




Here’s what Movavi’s team does to provide you with verified information:

  • When selecting products to include in our reviews, we research both demand and popularity.

  • All the products covered in this article have been tested by our team.

  • When testing, we compare key characteristics, including supported input and output formats, quality loss when converting, and other significant features.

  • We study user reviews from popular review platforms and make use of this information when writing our product reviews.

  • We collect feedback from our users and analyze their opinions of Movavi software as well as products from other companies.

Frequently asked questions

How do I convert MP3 to WAV on Windows 10?

You can change MP3 to WAVE (WAV) files easily using Movavi Video Converter. You need to ensure you download the correct version of the MP3-to-WAVE converter for use on Windows 10.

Step 1: Download and launch the software.

Download Movavi Video Converter

Step 2: Add a file in MP3 format you want to convert.

Step 3: Choose WAV as a target format. Use the menu to change the settings to those you desire.

Step 4: Click the Convert button to convert your MP3 to WAV.

How do I convert MP3 to WAV on a Mac?

The Mac process is almost identical to Windows. Ensure you have the MP3-to-WAV converter for Mac.

Step 1: Download and launch the software.

Download Movavi Video Converter for Mac

Step 2: Drag and drop your MP3 file into the program window.

Step 3: Set WAV as an output format.

Step 4: Convert your MP3 to WAV by clicking the Convert button.

Is MP3 or WAV better?

WAV is lossless, and an MP3 is lossy. This means that more data is stored on a WAV by default. WAVs will almost always sound better than MP3s, and there are compatibility issues to consider, too. Just keep in mind that converting MP3 to WAV won’t recover any data not originally stored in the MP3 file.

How do you convert MP3 to WAV using Windows Media Player?

To convert MP3 to WAV on Windows Media Player, it is easiest to use the burn feature and a CD.

Step 1: Launch Windows Media Player on your PC.

Step 2: Click the Burn menu button.

Step 3: Select the MP3 files you wish to convert and create a Burn List on the right hand window.

Step 4: Insert a blank CD in the drive on your computer. Then, click the Start Burn button.

Step 5: Choose the Rip Settings menu where you can choose the WAV format.

Step 6: Start the rip. The files will be converted to WAV format by Windows Media Player as the CD is made.

How do I convert MP3 to WAV on Linux?

To convert audio files to WAV on a Linux system, Ubuntu might be the best option, or FFmpeg software. You can use the command: “ffmpeg -i filename.mp3 newfilename.wav” in a folder to create a WAV file.

Should I upload MP3 or WAV to YouTube?

If you have a lossless file then you should prioritize uploading this rather than a lossy format that doesn’t contain all of the data. WAV files are ideal for YouTube, just keep in mind the fact that they have large file sizes.

Should you upload WAV or MP3 to SoundCloud?

Once again, your preference should be to upload the file with the most possible data. This will usually mean using a lossless WAV file that has as much data as possible stored within. WAV files created on audio software or as a recording from a microphone are uncompressed and “lossless” and, therefore, usually sound far superior.

Does converting MP3 to WAV improve quality?

No, the quality remains the same as you convert MP3 files to WAV.

How do I convert MP3 to WAV on an iPhone?

There are plenty of apps available that you can use to convert MP3 to WAV on an iPhone. Here are some of the best converters that you can use:

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