Want to Convert MKV to MP3 for Free?

Try our MKV to MP3 converter online!

If you’re looking for a way to convert MKV files to MP3 online, try this tool. It lets you easily convert small files. For larger videos, use Movavi’s desktop app and convert MKV to MP3 free from limitations.

Convert to

Edited by Ben Jacklin

How to convert MKV to MP3 with Movavi Video Converter

MKV files may be pretty large. If you are not able to convert MKV to MP3 online due to the file size, Movavi Video Converter might be an option. It is a powerful tool that works as an audio extractor and can do a lot more.

To start converting MKV to MP3 offline, follow the steps below.

Step 1. Install the MKV-to-MP3 converter

Our MKV-to-MP3 converter is free to download and easy to install. Just run the installation file and follow the instructions on your screen.

Step 2. Choose files for conversion

Launch the program. Click the Add Media button in the upper-left corner and then Add Video. Choose one or more MKV files that you want to convert to MP3.

Step 3. Select MP3 as the output format

Open the Audio tab and choose the MP3 group. Select the preset with the appropriate bitrate value for your requirements.

Step 4. Set a target folder and convert MKV to MP3

Click the Save to button to specify the target folder in which you want to save your files; if you don’t do this, they will be saved in the default “Movavi Library” folder. Click Convert to start converting. When the conversion is complete, the folder containing your files will open automatically.

Now you know how to use our MKV-to-audio converter, but you can do much more than just extracting audio. For example, compress MKV files to free storage space, find and add subtitles to video, and more. You can even convert .mkv to .mp3 – Movavi Video Converter is ready to make your wildest ideas come true!

Frequently asked questions

Can I extract audio from an MKV file?

Yes, you can use one of many apps available today to convert your videos to audio and extract the sound data this way.

Here’s how to convert MKV to MP3 with our app:

  1. Download and install the app.
    Get Movavi Video Converter for Windows
    Get Movavi Video Converter for Mac

  2. Click Add Media and choose Add Video from the drop-down menu.

  3. Upload the files you want to get the audio from.

  4. Select MP3 or another audio format as the output format.

  5. Click the Save to button to specify the target folder.

  6. Click Convert.

Can I convert an MP3 to MKV?

Yes, you can download our MKV-to-MP3 converter for free and use it for a backward conversion. Here are the steps:

  1. Download and install the app
    Get Movavi Video Converter for Windows
    Get Movavi Video Converter for Mac

  2. Choose the files you want to convert.

  3. Select MKV as the output format.

  4. Click the Save to button to specify the target folder.

  5. Click Convert.

Can I convert MKV files without losing quality?

Movavi Video Converter has an option to transfer the contents of a video file from one container to another without re-compressing data (so-called SuperSpeed mode). If you use this mode, there’s no quality loss. In other cases, quality loss is likely, but it may be neglectable if the video bitrate stays close to the original one.

What are the best MKV-to-MP3 converters?

Here are the top 3 MKV-to-MP3 converters, online and desktop, that we can recommend:

  • Movavi Video Converter

  • VLC

  • Video Converter Online

How can I convert an MKV to MP3 in the VLC player?

The VLC player can be utilized as a free MKV-to-MP3 converter:

  1. Start the program.

  2. Click Media > Convert / Save.

  3. Click the Add button and find the file you need.

  4. Click the Convert / Save button.

  5. Click the Browse button and choose a target folder.

  6. Choose a Profile.

  7. Click the Start button.

Can OBS convert MKV to MP3?

For now, converting MKV to MP3 is not available in OBS. You can only choose an output video format.

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